Närbild på senior man

Health Assessment Premium Senior

Our Health Assessment Premium Senior is for customers aged 70 or over. It includes an extended test package with more analyses and more time with the physician. The health assessment is completed over two visits and has the same basic content as the Health Assessment Premium. Find out more about the extended blood tests for seniors below.


Lab tests Senior               Call +46 (0)8 406 22 50




Examination by a registered nurse

Your first visit

Du träffar en av våra sjuksköterskor som kontrollerar syn på långt och nära håll, hörsel, lungfunktion, EKG, blodtryck, vikt, längd, bukhöjd, blod– och urinprov. Vi kontrollerar ögontryck samt analyserar avföringsprov avseende förekomst av blod. Ditt ifyllda hälsoformulär bildar tillsammans med provresultaten underlag för mötet med din läkare. Sjuksköterskebesöket vid första tillfället tar cirka 40 minuter.


Labprover som ingår

Närbild på stetoskop

Physician’s appointment

Your second visit

Your second appointment is with your physician, who will go through your questionnaire and test results with you. He or she will also conduct a physical examination, after which you both will sum up your health status. Depending on the outcome, you might have to discuss and plan a follow-up. Your physician’s appointment will take approximately 60 minutes. The following week you will also receive your test results via the Kivra app.





Our physicians

Sjuksköterska i telefonsamtal

Care and contact when you need it

Between assessments

If you’re over 70, we recommend an assessment every year. If you have regular health assessments, either through your company or privately, you’ll have access to our nursing advice line all year round. When necessary, you can renew prescriptions, make an appointment with a physician or get support from our Health Advice Centre.






Our Health Advice Centre

quote icon

Reassuring and meticulous. A lovely, calm environment. I’m so happy that Sophiahemmet exists. I’ve been a patient here for 45 years!

— Comment made in a customer survey


What lab tests are included in Health Assessment Premium Senior? Plus-ikon
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