Co. reg. no 556310-1426
Sophiahemmet AB (SHAB)
Box 5605
114 86 Stockholm
Tel: 08-406 20 00
CEO: Johanna Adami
Contact: Director of Public Relations Marina Dyfverman
SHAB is owned by Sophiahemmet, ideell förening and is part of the Sophiahemmet group.
Information about Sophiahemmet, ideell förening can be found in the annual report, along with descriptions of our operations and board.
SHAB runs the following clinics: Försäkringsmottagningen, Husläkarmottagningen, Hälsocentralen and the nursing units.
Details of the hospital management and the SHAB management can be found here.
General financial information can be found in the annual report. For more detailed financial information, contact our CFO Jennie Revay.
Sophiahemmet’s vision is world-class care. Information on how Sophiahemmet AB ensures safety of care can be found here.
The highest possible standards have characterised Sophiahemmet since inception, 100 years ago. SHAB has SS-EN ISO 9001:2015 quality certification. Find out more about our quality assurance work here. Our quality work is led by chief physician Lena Hellström.
Sophiahemmet Hospital’s general quality report can be found here.
Each care provider is accredited by Sophiahemmet and responsible for its own quality work, quality report and participation in quality registers and open comparisons, which are reported separately on its own website. Patient surveys are similarly reported and provide underlying data for Sophiahemmet’s own quality reports.
Sophiahemmet, ideell förening invests approximately SEK 15 million annually either directly or indirectly in point-of-care research.
Number of employees: 160 of which 13 management
Collective agreements have been signed with the Association of Private Care Providers (Vårdföretagarna)
Registered doctors: 23
Registered nurses: 69
Nursing auxiliaries: 13
Medical secretaries: 7
Absence due to sickness expressed as % of total work hours.
Total: 4.31%
Short-term absence (day 1-14): 2.35%
Long-term absence (day 15+): 1.96%